A Leading World Expert in Heavy Metal Containing Solid Wastes Recycling with the Capacity of 120 Million Tons

Pyro Metallurgy + Hydro Metallurgy

15 Waelz Kilns in 9 Factories

Only One in the World Producing SHG Zinc Ingot Large-scale with Mature Industrial Technology Directly from High Impurity WOX with Zero Waste Water and Zero Waste Slag

Our Own 7th Generation of Patented Technology of “Pyrometallurgical Enrichment + Integrated Hydrometallurgical Separation”

Having Solved One of the Most Difficulty Problems in this Industry: DECHLORINATION

With Greennovo

heavy metal pollution can be eliminated and recycled right from the source

Founded in 2000, GreenNovo Environmental Technology Co., Ltd specializes in the recycling of heavy metals contained in the solid industrial waste produced by the metallurgy and chemical processing industries. With our state-of-the-art technologies and methods, heavy metal pollution can be eliminated and recycled right from the source.

Tel: +86-10-56500550 | Fax: +86-10-56500550-8016
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